My Gratitude page

First, I am grateful to God for every blessing small and large, which have been too numerous to mention in my lifetime. Below is a list of people who, I believe, have been sent to me by God to be a blessing. Whether it be to teach me something or assist me in setting or attaining my goals. This list is in no way complete. Check back for additions!

David Schwartz - My Husband-for lots of stuff--love, kids, roadie, advice, sound. 

(Listed Alphabetically)

Tammy Russell Berman, - My Best Friend since 8th grade-always makes me think about things in a way I hadn't thought of and always improves my life with her never-ending love. 

Dorothy Biris-for giving me and so many others opportunities to shine. Studio B at the Lakeside Legacy Arts Park Crystal Lake IL 

Northwestern Medicine Huntley and all of my coworkers who trade hours with me in support of my music career! 

Flatlander Market in Marengo...for giving Sandie and me our first true regular gig-some of the most fun times. 

Uncle Frank Burm (RIP) - For showing up to see me sing 2 songs all the way from Chicago and for coming to so many of our gigs.  I miss you so  much! 

Rick Cartwright - For all his pep talks about how I should be fronting a band and his teaching me ways to do it well (still learning) and for helping to make my rock and roll fantasies come true by being in the band he suggested I front. 

Jordan Creasy - For making me look way younger than I am in his photos of me! 

Jim Duncan - For taking a risk in asking me to play music with him when I thought I would be finished. He continues to provide sound guidance in my performance. 

​John Hegner - Producer at Starbell Hatchery Studio in Harvard Ill., for being patient and inspiring me to make a quality recording and bringing my best out of my performance.  He is responsible for making my CD more amazing than I had dreamed.  Thank you! 

Mike Dunek - For being my first love in 7th grade (even though I never said a word to him) and for promising to "someday" walk 2 doors down and play music with me (he finally did it!!)  and because he asked to be on this page ;) 

Diana Floress - for encouraging me with songwriting and life in general and for being a treasured new friend. 

Kirk Gustafson-for being an awesome and patient drummer and agreeing to play music with me. 

Denny Hall - For wanting to play with me and for the lesson you taught me in your life and death. Fly high with angels now! 

Lisa Hall - For coming back into my life.  I have missed you! 

J Hemphill - For great tips on performing and singing and for a treasured friendship. 

Joseph Interdonato -  My Father - I got it from you! 

Sandie Stemple - For friendship and the best harmonies ever to date and some of the best times of my life period!  

Ruthie Landis - For helping me overcome stage fright in a huge way-and improving so many other aspects of my life. 

JoAnna McKenzie - My Mother-for always being there for me. 

Jon Rogutich - For having confidence in my singing and stretching my limits beyond what I would have never attempted and also being a part of my rock and roll fantasies by letting me "front" Suzy and the Q's-I know where the real talent lies-Jon, Kirk and Rick! 

Doug Susu-Mago - For strengthening my voice to limits I've never thought possible. 

Cassandra Vohs-Demann - For friendship and some of the best instruction in singing technique I could have had. Special thanks for developing this website!!!